This can be achieved by controlling the temperature uniformity during quenching with slow quenching rates, if hardenability is not an issue. More advanced approaches include introducing isothermal holding before bainite is formed, such as martempering which is (marquenching) typical for vacuum and salt quench technology of tool steels and alloyed steels or austempering, also known as bainitization for intentional bainite formation. The term bainite should be used with some precaution because the formed structure is usually without coarse carbides, and the term ausferrite is also found in the literature [5]. The mechanism of bainite formation is still a matter of scientific debate, as it is recognized as both a reconstructive [6] and a displacive phase transformation [7,8]. The complexity in the formed microstructures lies with the various growth mechanisms of ferrite from austenite, which are presented by Bhadeshia [9].
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Additionally, modified martempering can be used by holding under martensite start (Ms) and much above martensite finish (Mf) [2]. Standard martempering with short isothermal holdings above Ms is carried out to achieve a uniform cross-section temperature distribution before the final quench [10]. Martempering has the benefit of having only a minor cross-section temperature difference for the final quench and also a limited self-tempering effect while achieving the maximum permitted hardness for a given carbon content compared to a direct quench technology [7].
Bainitization, on the other hand, is favored when longer heat treatment or holding times are needed, such as for heavy sections with no increased risk of ductility drop when higher amounts of carbide-free bainite are formed. Nevertheless, bainitization should be performed with a suitable chemical composition tailored for forming an ausferritic (carbide-free) microstructure. Most isothermal treatments are achieved by using salt baths. Nowadays, dry technologies are also becoming available such as dry-bainitization as DryBainTM [11] using a high-pressure gas-stream for quenching with an additional holding furnace for the bainitization of components in the production of high toughness components with high residual compressive stresses and hardness.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate pre-defined bainitization and modified martempering in a laboratory setting instead of a classic direct quenching approach to satisfy the minimum criteria for abrasion-resistant application, achieving high hardness with a minimum of 450 HB and limiting, at the same time, the internal quench stresses by including temperature equalization during quenching. Two commercial thermodynamic tools were used with experimentally obtained data (Thermo-Calc, Thermo-Calc Software AB, Stockholm, Sweden, and JMatPro, Sente Software, Guildford, UK)). Since the material under investigation is an as-cast steel, the heat treatment is an even more important step for achieving properties, because the as-cast material has limited options for grain refinement and is very susceptible to cracking during fast cooling.
Austempering is heat treatment that is applied to ferrous metals, most notably steel and ductile iron. In steel it produces a bainite microstructure whereas in cast irons it produces a structure of acicular ferrite and high carbon, stabilized austenite known as ausferrite. It is primarily used to improve mechanical properties or reduce / eliminate distortion. Austempering is defined by both the process and the resultant microstructure. Typical austempering process parameters applied to an unsuitable material will not result in the formation of bainite or ausferrite and thus the final product will not be called austempered. Both microstructures may also be produced via other methods. For example, they may be produced as-cast or air cooled with the proper alloy content. These materials are also not referred to as austempered.
The austempering of steel was first pioneered in the 1930s by Edgar C. Bain and Edmund S. Davenport, who were working for the United States Steel Corporation at that time. Bainite must have been present in steels long before its acknowledged discovery date, but was not identified because of the limited metallographic techniques available and the mixed microstructures formed by the heat treatment practices of the time. Coincidental circumstances inspired Bain to study isothermal phase transformations. Austenite and the higher temperature phases of steel were becoming more and more understood and it was already known that austenite could be retained at room temperature. Through his contacts at the American Steel and Wire Company, Bain was aware of isothermal transformations being used in industry and he began to conceive new experiments [1]
Further research into the isothermal transformation of steels was a result of Bain and Davenport's discovery of a new microstructure consisting of an "acicular, dark etching aggregate." This microstructure was found to be "tougher for the same hardness than tempered Martensite".[2] Commercial exploitation of bainitic steel was not rapid. Common heat-treating practices at the time featured continuous cooling methods and were not capable, in practice, of producing fully bainitic microstructures. The range of alloys available produced either mixed microstructures or excessive amounts of Martensite. The advent of low-carbon steels containing boron and molybdenum in 1958 allowed fully bainitic steel to be produced by continuous cooling.[1][3] Commercial use of bainitic steel thus came about as a result of the development of new heat-treating methods, with those that involve a step in which the workpiece is held at a fixed temperature for a period of time sufficient to allow transformation becoming collectively known as austempering.
One of the first uses of austempered steel was in rifle bolts during World War II.[4] The high impact strength possible at high hardnesses, and the relatively small section size of the components made austempered steel ideal for this application. Over subsequent decades austempering revolutionized the spring industry followed by clips and clamps. These components, which are usually thin, formed parts, do not require expensive alloys and generally possess better elastic properties than their tempered Martensite counterparts. Eventually austempered steel made its way into the automotive industry, where one of its first uses was in safety critical components. The majority of car seat brackets and seat belt components are made of austempered steel because of its high strength and ductility.[4] These properties allow it to absorb more energy during a crash without the risk of brittle failure. Currently, austempered steel is also used in bearings, mower blades, transmission gear, wave plate, and turf aeration tines.[4] In the second half of the 20th century the austempering process began to be applied commercially to cast irons. Austempered ductile iron (ADI) was first commercialized in the early 1970s and has since become a major industry.
The most notable difference between austempering and conventional quench and tempering is that it involves holding the workpiece at the quenching temperature for an extended period of time. The basic steps are the same whether applied to cast iron or steel and are as follows:
As with conventional quench and tempering the material being heat treated must be cooled from the austenitizing temperature quickly enough to avoid the formation of pearlite. The specific cooling rate that is necessary to avoid the formation of pearlite is a product of the chemistry of the austenite phase and thus the alloy being processed. The actual cooling rate is a product of both the quench severity, which is influenced by quench media, agitation, load (quenchant ratio, etc.), and the thickness and geometry of the part. As a result, heavier section components required greater hardenability. In austempering the heat treat load is quenched to a temperature which is typically above the Martensite start of the austenite and held. In some patented processes the parts are quenched just below the Martensite start so that the resulting microstructure is a controlled mixture of Martensite and Bainite.
No tempering is required after austempering if the part is through hardened and fully transformed to either Bainite or ausferrite.[5] Tempering adds another stage and thus cost to the process; it does not provide the same property modification and stress relief in Bainite or ausferrite that it does for virgin Martensite.
As these nuclei form, the Express free crystals exhibit most of the original properties of the metal. Gradual slow cooling ensures the retaining of restored properties of the metal.Annealing is carried out for accomplishing one or more of the following:Softening of a metal or alloy. This may be done due to improving machinability.Relieving internal residual stresses caused by the various manufacturing process.Refining the grain size of the metal or alloy.Increasing the ductility and reducing brittleness.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'learnmechanical_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_13',117,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-learnmechanical_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Homogenizing the distribution of constituents.Two types of annealing carried out are:1. Process annealing.2. Full annealing.1. Process annealing:It consists of heating the Steel to a temperature little below the critical range and then cooling it slowly. This causes complete recrystallization in steel to form New grain structure. This will release the internal stresses previously the strip in the steel and improve the machinability.
Gray irons are a group of cast irons that form flake graphite during solidification, in contrast to the spheroidal graphite morphology of ductile irons. The flake graphite in gray irons is dispersed in a matrix with a microstructure that is determined by composition and heat treatment.The heat treatment of gray irons can considerably alter the matrix microstructure with little or no effect on the size and shape of the graphite achieved during casting. The matrix microstructures resulting from heat treatment can vary from ferrite-pearlite to tempered martensite. However, even though gray iron can be hardened by quenching from elevated temperatures, heat treatment is not ordinarily used commercially to increase the overall strength of gray iron castings because the strength of the as-cast metal can be increased at less cost by reducing the silicon and total carbon contents or by adding alloying elements.Hardening and TemperingGray irons are hardened and tempered to improve their mechanical properties, particularly strength and wear resistance. After being hardened and tempered, these irons usually exhibit wear resistance approximately five times greater than that of pearlitic gray irons.Furnace or salt bath hardening can be applied to a wider variety of gray irons than can either flame or induction hardening. In flame and induction hardening, a relatively large content of combined carbon is required because of the extremely short period available for the solution of carbon in austenite. In furnace or salt bath hardening, however, a casting can be held at a temperature above the transformation range for as long as is necessary; even an iron initially containing no combined carbon can be hardened.Unalloyed gray iron of low combined carbon content must be austenitized for a longer time to saturate austenite with carbon. With increased time, more carbon is dissolved in austenite and hardness after quenching is increased.Because of its higher silicon content, an unalloyed gray iron with a combined carbon content of 0.60% exhibits higher hardenability than a carbon steel with the same carbon content. However, because of the effect of silicon in reducing the solubility of carbon in austenite, unalloyed irons with higher silicon contents necessarily require higher austenitizing temperatures to attain the same hardness.Manganese increases hardenability; approximately 1.50% Mn was found to be sufficient for through hardening a 38 mm section in oil or for through hardening a 64 mm section in water.Manganese, nickel, copper, and molybdenum are the recognized elements for increasing the hardenability of gray iron. Although chromium, by itself, does not influence the hardenability of gray iron, its contribution to carbide stabilization is important, particularly in flame hardening.Austenitizing. In hardening gray iron, the casting is heated to a temperature high enough to promote the formation of austenite, held at that temperature until the desired amount of carbon has been dissolved, and then quenched at a suitable rate.The temperature to which a casting must be heated is determined by the transformation range of the particular gray iron of which it is made. The transformation range can extend more than 55C above the At (transformation-start) temperature. A formula for determining the approximate A, transformation temperature of unalloyed gray iron is:A (C) = 730 + 28.0 (% Si) - 25.0 (% Mn)Chromium raises the transformation range of gray iron. In high-nickel, high-silicon irons, for example, each percent of chromium raises the transformation range by about 10 to 15C. Nickel, on the other hand, lowers the critical range. In a gray iron containing from 4 to 5% Ni, the upper limit of the transformation range is about 710C.Castings should be treated through the lower temperature range slowly, in order to avoid cracking. Above a range of 595 to 650C, which is above the stress-relieving range, heating may be as rapid as desired. In fact, time may be saved by heating the casting slowly to about 650C in one furnace and then transferring it to a second furnace and bringing it rapidly up to the austenitizing temperature.Quenching. Molten salt and oil are the quenching media used most frequently for gray iron. Water is not generally a satisfactory quenching medium for furnace-heated gray iron; it extracts heat so rapidly that distortion and cracking are likely in all parts except small ones of simple design. Recently developed water-soluble polymer quenches can provide the convenience of water quenching, along with lower cooling rates, which can minimize thermal shock.The least severe quenching medium is air. Unalloyed or low-alloy gray iron castings usually cannot be air quenched because the cooling rate is not sufficiently high to form martensite. However, for irons of high alloy content, forced-air quenching is frequently the most desirable cooling method.Tempering. After quenching, castings are usually tempered at temperatures well below the transformation range for about 1h per inch of thickest section. As the quenched iron is tempered, its hardness decreases, whereas it usually gains in strength and toughness.AustemperingIn austempering, the microstructural end product of the gray iron matrix formed below the pearlite range but above the martensite range is an acicular or bainitic fer-rite, plus varying amounts of austenite depending on the transformation temperature. The iron is quenched from a temperature above the transformation range in a hot quenching bath and is maintained in the bath at constant temperature until the austempering transformation is complete.In all hot quenching processes, the temperatures to which castings must be heated for austenitizing and the required holding times at temperature prior to quenching in the hot bath correspond to the temperatures and times used in conventional hardening, that is, temperatures between 840 and 900C (1550 and 1650F). The holding time depends on the size and chemical composition of the casting.Gray iron is usually quenched in salt, oil, or lead baths at 230 to 425C for austempering. When high hardness and wear resistance are the ultimate aim of this treatment, the temperature of the quench bath is usually held between 230 and 290C. The effect of iron composition on the holding time may be considerable. Alloy additions, such as nickel, chromium, and molybdenum, increase the time required for transformation.MartemperingMartempering is used to produce martensite without developing the high stresses that usually accompany its formation. It is similar to conventional hardening except that distortion is minimized. Nevertheless, the characteristic brittleness of the martensite remains in a gray iron casting after martempering, and martempered castings are almost always tempered. The casting is quenched from above the transformation range in a salt, oil, or lead bath: held in the bath at a temperature slightly above the range at which martensite forms (200 to 260C or 400 to 500F. for unalloyed irons) only until the casting has reached the bath temperature; and then cooled to room temperature.If a wholly martensitic structure is desired, the casting must be held in the hot quench bath only long enough to permit ii to reach the temperature of the bath. Thus, the size and shape of the casting dictate the duration of martempering.Flame HardeningFlame hardening is the method of surface hardening most commonly to gray iron. After flame hardening, a gray iron casting consists of a hard, wear-resistant outer layer of martensite and a core of softer gray iron, which during treatment does not reach the At transformation temperature.Both unalloyed and alloyed gray irons can be successfully flame hardened. However, some compositions yield much better results than do others. One of the most important aspects of composition is the combined carbon content, which should be in the range of 0.50 to 0.70%, although irons with as little as 0.40% combined carbon can be flame hardened. In general, flame hardening is not recommended for irons that contain more than 0.80% combined carbon because such irons (mottled or white irons) may crack in surface hardening.Effects of Alloying Elements. In general, alloyed gray irons can be flame hardened with greater ease than can unalloyed irons, partly because alloyed gray irons have increased hardenability. Final hardness also may be increased by alloying additions. The maximum hardness obtainable by flame hardening an unalloyed gray iron containing approximately 3% total carbon, 1.7% Si, and 0.60 to 0.80% Mn ranges from 400 to 500 HB. This is because the Brinell hardness value for gray iron is an average of the hardness of the matrix and that of the relatively soft graphite flakes. Actually, the matrix hardness on which wear resistance depends approximates 600 HB. With the addition of 2.5% Ni and 0.5% Cr, an average surface hardness of 550 HB can be obtained. The same result has been achieved using 1.0 to 1.5% Ni and 0.25% Mo.Stress Relieving. Whenever practicable or economically feasible, flame-hardened castings should be stress relieved at 150 to 200C.Induction HardeningGray iron castings can be surface hardened by the induction method when the number of castings to be processed is large enough to warrant the relatively high equipment cost and the need for special induction coils.Considerable variation in the hardness of the cast irons may be expected because of a variation in the combined carbon content. A minimum combined carbon content of 0.40 to 0.50% C is recommended for cast iron to be hardened by induction, with the short heating cycles that are characteristic of this process. Heating castings with lower combined carbon content to high hardening temperatures for relatively long periods of time may dissolve some free graphite, but such a procedure is likely to coarsen the grain. 2ff7e9595c